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Scopus WoS CC Crossref ERIH PLUS EconLit EconBiz Inspec Compendex
1 Уровень

Значения квартилей актуализированы с учетом сведений, опубликованных на сайтах внешних информационных источников, которые не связаны с «Белым списком» научных журналов.

Тип Группа предметного классификатора Год Значение
SJRAerospace Engineering2021Q1
SJREconomics and Econometrics2021Q1
SJREconomics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)2021Q1
SJRIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineering2021Q1
SJRIndustrial relations2021Q1
SJRStrategy and Management2021Q1
SJRAerospace Engineering2022Q1
SJREconomics and Econometrics2022Q1
SJREconomics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)2022Q1
SJRIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineering2022Q1
SJRIndustrial relations2022Q1
SJRStrategy and Management2022Q1
SJRAerospace Engineering2023Q1
SJREconomics and Econometrics2023Q1
SJREconomics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)2023Q1
SJRIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineering2023Q1
SJRIndustrial relations2023Q1
SJRStrategy and Management2023Q1
CiteScoreIndustrial relations2011Q1
CiteScoreIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineering2011Q1
CiteScoreAerospace Engineering2011Q1
CiteScoreStrategy and Management2011Q2
CiteScoreIndustrial relations2012Q1
CiteScoreAerospace Engineering2012Q1
CiteScoreIndustrial and Manufacturing Engineering2012Q1
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